Browse Alphanumerically

A su-A t

  1. A summary of the Twenty-fourth round of the Inter-Tajik Dialogue, including a list of participants. (1)
  2. A summary of the Twenty-third Inter-Tajik Dialogue as well as a list of participants. (1)
  3. A summary of the various meetings of the Inter-Tajik Dialogue, as well as a report entitled "Transferring Sustained Dialogue: How the Public Committee for Democratic Processes Works to Institutionalize Sustained Dialogue in Tajikistan" by Randa Slim. (1)
  4. A Swiss guard stands at attention at a duty station in St. Peter's Square, Vatican City. (1)
  5. A table of contents from a document discussing conflict management and resolution in Central Asia, including Tajikistan. (1)
  6. A Tajikistan Case Study draft authored by Dr. Anna Matveeva to be discussed in a working group meeting. The study is titled "Tajikistan: Peace Secured, But is This The State of our Dreams?" (1)
  7. A tall column stands in the center of Heroes' Square in Budapest, Hungary. Atop the column is a bronze satue of what appears to be an angel. (1)
  8. A tour boat called the Rousse is docked on a river in Passau, Germany. (1)
  9. A tour brochure of Patagonia. (1)
  10. A tour bus outside a restaurant in Altenberg, Germany. (1)
  11. A tower at the end of the Charles Bridge in Prague, Czech Republic. (1)
  12. A tram on the street in Innsbruck, Austria. (1)
  13. A transcript of an Arab-European-American Dialogue Executive Committee Meeting from April 21, 2005 in Marrakech, Morocco. (1)
  14. A transcript of an interview of Harold Saunders which was done for the Foreign Affairs Oral History Program at the Association for Diplomatic Studies. This also includes a handwritten note from Saunders. (1)
  15. A transcript of the Twenty-Ninth Tajikistan Dialogue, forwarded to Harold Saunders by another diplomatic official. It also includes a list of participants. (1)
  16. A transcript of the Twenty-Seventh Tajikistan Dialogue, forwarded to Harold Saunders by another diplomatic official. It also includes a list of participants. (1)
  17. A trash can at El Calafate. (1)
  18. A trio of musicians in traditional garb play inside a restaurant in Tok, Hungary. (1)
  19. A trip report from meetings in Beirut with Lebanese officials and representatives of political parties and movements, written by Randa Slim. (1)
  20. A tropical bird in a nest. (1)